There was a history of clone desertion from the Ancient Astronauts from the earliest times. Many of them believed that they had seeded Earth with humans of their kind unintentionally. That is what had been told to the group of leaders in this present colony from their predecessors before hand. They had been warned to take tight control of them or they could lose them all.
Meanwhile the Ancient Astronauts became concerned that the clones that had deserted would return and inflict the same attitudes on the clones who had stayed. So the Supreme Leader and Council banished them from the area at the point of death and they put a guard out to enforce it so that all would know that if they left they could not return.
Ancient Astronauts on guard duty
Now the clones who had deserted were armed and had some equipment. But they had received a prime directive at their creation not to kill their creators. So a large group of them headed to the southeast and another large group headed west. These clones were very intelligent and were endowed with their individual creator's area of proficiency. But they could still not have children with each other.
They made their way southeast of Ararat
The group heading southeast were the first to make contact with humans. The humans were afraid of them because of their height -all were of a massive build standing nearly 7 feet. But they managed to make friends with them. They joined the humans at their campsite and taught them how to build better structures for themselves. But one night around the campfire becoming quite familiar with the human females and males they decided to have intercourse with them for they had begun to find them attractive. None of them thought it would work. But it did. In nine months more children were born to the tribe from these unions.
Small Prehistoric human campsite
The humans considered the Ancient Astronaut clones the sons of the gods. They were thought of as, the heroes and great leaders who gained great renown for few humans stood little chance in battle against them. Some of them were considered wise because of the things they taught the humans. They showed the humans how to live better, how to hunt better, and they taught them things about the heavens that they could barely imagine. The clones became the leaders and shamans of the tribe they belonged to.
A Neolithic Shaman
The natives worshipped a Sun god and a whole host of other deities A solar deity (also sun god/goddess) is a sky deity who represents the Sun, or an aspect of it, usually by its perceived power and strength. Solar deities and sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms in almost every ancient culture.
The Tribe's Sun-god symbol found on a petroglyph rock
But one day south of them there was an overflow from one of the rivers and they all had to head for higher ground. The clones made prayers to God which the natives thought was to the sun god, they made supplication for safe travel in the direction the sun rises. After having a dream one of the shaman tell the tribe about a battle they will win. To the people of the tribe when the see them encounter a pride of lions and destroy them with their weapons they understand that it was done with the sun god's favor. The shaman teach the people that God is also associated with justice. The tribe makes weapons for them, an axe, and a long spear weighing 8 pounds and a bow as well.
Armed Ancient Astronaut clone with spear
The Ark narrative has been extensively studied by adherents of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as other Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic faiths. Such studies have ranged from hypothetical solutions to practical problems (such as the issues of waste disposal and lighting the ark's interior), to theological and metaphoric interpretations (with the ark being seen as the spiritual precursor in offering salvation to mankind). Although the account of the ark was traditionally accepted as historical, by the 19th century the growing impact of scientific investigation and biblical interpretation had led many people to abandon a literal view in favor of a more metaphoric understanding. Though there have been many alleged sightings of Noah's Ark over the years, no concrete physical evidence of the ark has been found. Biblical literalists continue to explore the mountains of Ararat in present-day Turkey and Armenia, where the Bible says the ark came to rest, in search of archaeological remnants of the vessel.
Location were they believe the remains of the Ark are located on Mount Ararat (the Ararat anomaly)
Early Christian artists depicted Noah standing in a small box on the waves, symbolizing God’s saving power in its turbulent early years. The Ark was the sign of God's saving power to his people.
Cutaway view of Noah’s Ark
The ark is a symbolic message it is not a physical object. The Baha'i scripture Kitáb-i-Íqán endorses the Islamic belief that Noah had a large number of companions on the ark, either 40 or 72, as well as his family. The latter would have been true in the case of the Ancient Astronauts and their clones even though in all probability these numbers for this period are to be considered as inaccurate. The actual number would be unknown. I have always believed that when large numbers are used in early historical Biblical texts the author really means: "They lived a long and prosperous life." This seems to be supported by the traditions of the people from this part of the world.
The development of scientific geology had a profound impact on attitudes towards the biblical Flood and Ark story. Without the support of the Biblical chronology, which placed the Creation and the Flood in a history which stretched back no more than a few thousand years, the historicity of the Ark itself was undermined. In 1823, William Buckland interpreted geological phenomena as Reliquiae Diluvianae: relics of the flood which "attested the action of a universal deluge". His views were supported by other English clergymen and naturalists at the time, including the influential Adam Sedgwick, but by 1830 Sedgwick considered that the evidence only showed local floods. The deposits were subsequently explained by Louis Agassiz as the results of glaciation The real time period about 20,000 BP would have been the time when the melting of snow and glaciers of the last major ice age would have been causing ocean water levels to go up around the world. That is as far as we can go with that issue. But it did not cause a world wide flood, but only in areas that were low enough to be flooded. It is suggested that the biblical authors saw the ark serving one purpose – the preservation of humankind for God's plan of redemption.