It took the Ancient Astronauts over one hundred years to send spacecraft powered by warp drive to Mars with the intention of migration. They landed at various locations around the planet. Besides Cydonia the Blocks of Aram may also been a place for Ancient Astronauts habitation and there is more besides these two places
Cydonia Face (top right) and Pyramid city (lower left)
Cydonia is a region on the planet Mars, that has attracted both scientific and popular interest for some time the name originally referred to the albedo feature (a distinctively colored area) that was visible from earthbound telescopes. The area borders the plains of Acidalia Planitia and the Arabia Terra highlands.
Early Plant Life on Mars
By about 5 Ga. something similar to modern oxygenic photosynthesis had probably developed on Mars, which made the sun’s energy available not only to autotrophs -plants, algae and certain bacteria but also to the heterotrophs-animals, fungi and protozoa that consumed them. This type of photosynthesis, which became by far the most common, used the abundant carbon dioxide and water as raw materials and, with the energy of sunlight, produced energy-rich organic molecules (carbohydrates). Moreover, oxygen was released as a waste product of the photosynthesis. At first, it became bound up with limestone, iron, and other minerals. There is substantial proof of iron-oxide rich layers in the geological strata of Mars that correspond with this period- this also helped gave the planet its color.
The ALH84001 meteorite may be the proof for life on Mars we are looking for: the meteorite weighs 1.93 kilograms (4.3 lb.). The sample was ejected from Mars about 17 million years ago and spent 11,000 years in or on the Antarctic ice sheets. Composition analysis by NASA revealed a kind of magnetite that on Earth is only found in association with certain microorganisms. Then, in August 2002, another NASA team led by Thomas Keptra published a study indicating that 25% of the magnetite in ALH 84001 occurs as small, uniform-sized crystals that, on Earth, is associated only with biologic activity, and that the remainder of the material appears to be normal inorganic magnetite.
Bacteria on Earth that is similar to that found in the meteorite ALH84001
The extraction technique did not permit determination as to whether the possibly biological magnetite was organized into chains as would be expected. The meteorite displays indication of relatively low temperature secondary mineralization by water and show evidence of pre-terrestrial aqueous alteration. Evidence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been identified with the levels increasing away from the surface. Some structures resembling the mineralized casts of terrestrial bacteria and their appendages (fibrils) (could also be freeze-dried worms) or by-products (extra-cellular polymeric substances) occur in the rims of carbonate globules and pre-terrestrial aqueous alteration regions. The size and shape of the objects is consistent with Earthly fossilized bacteria. In November 2009, NASA scientists said that a recent, more detailed analysis showed that the meteorite "contains strong evidence that life may have existed on ancient Mars.
Atlas of Mars
Cydonia lies in the planet’s northern hemisphere in a transitional zone between the heavily cratered regions to the South, and relatively smooth plains to the North. Some planetologists believe that the northern plains was once part of the Northern Ocean, and that Cydonia may have been a coastal zone. More than likely plant and animal life began to exist on the planet when that occurred. The Martian city in Cydonia was very large and on the coast. It had some very large structures and a large number of Ancient Astronauts could have lived there:
The City of Cydonia and Region
Many want to believe that just because Ancient Astronauts built pyramids on Mars they would come to Earth and show men how to construct them.
Close up of a Martian Pyramid
I disagree with this theory. The structures that were built on Mars would have been built of different materials and for different purposes.
There is also the face on Mars not far from the City of Cydonia some think it was put there because the Sphinx was built near the pyramids in Egypt. The problem is no one is sure who built the Sphinx and what its real purpose was although theories abound. On Earth, it is a mythical creature with a lion’s body and a human head. The face on Mars looks nothing like that.
My Drawing of the City of Cydonia
(1) Instead of a pyramid there is a dome on the west side of the city:
(2) Then they built a pyramid next to it as you go into the city:
(3) After that you enter the city you enter the plaza:
(4) Then you come to the City center:
(5) After that the East Pyramid:
(6) After that you would come to a plaza overlooking the Northern Ocean:
Then to the west of the East Pyramid you would come to the Ancient Astronaut Space Base: