Saturday, March 31, 2012

First Civilization Part 2 Chapter 16



Starting with this period artistic work began to flourish, with Venus figurines, so you know what was on their minds.


Venus-aug culture

A Venus Carving

Cave painting, carvings and engravings on bone or ivory (such as the  Running Reindeer), petroglyphs and exotic raw materials found far from their sources, suggests emergent trading links.


bull cave drawing

Bull cave drawing from Anatolia

More complex social groupings emerged, supported by more varied and reliable food sources and specialized tool types. This probably contributed to increasing group identification or ethnicity. These group identities produced distinctive symbols and rituals which are an important part of  human behavior.    The Mesolithic Period is the term used to refer to a different time span in different parts of Eurasia. It was first used to refer to post-Holocene or pre-agricultural material in north-west Europe about 10,000 to 5000 BC. It is also applied to material from the Levant (about 20,000 to 9500 BC); in Japan the Jomon period (about 14,000 to 400 BC) is also called Mesolithic and it is also applied to some cultures from the Indian sub-continent.


armenia map 3

Route Taken by Clone led Tribe

By 20,000 to 18,000 BC the climate and environment had changed, starting a period of transition. The Levant became more arid and the forest vegetation retreated, to be replaced by steppe. The cool and dry period ended at the beginning of Mesolithic 1. The hunter-gatherers of the Aurignacian would have had to modify their way of living and their pattern of settlement to adapt to the changing conditions.  Mesolithic 1 (Kebara culture; 20,000–18,000 BC to 12,150 BC) followed the Aurignacian or Levantine Upper Paleolithic throughout the Levant. By the end of the Aurignacian, gradual changes took place in stone industries. Small stone tools called Microliths and retouched bladelets can be found for the first time. The microliths of this culture period differ greatly from the Aurignacian artifacts.




The Zarzian culture was an archaeological culture of late Paleolithic or Mesolithic in Iraq, Iran, and Central Asia . The period this culture existed is estimated from about 18,000-8,000 years BC. Which may be the oldest culture near the area of Carahunge.  It existed close by in the correct time period and predates the Shulaveri-Shom culture.  So the Zarzian culture is what we are looking for.  It most likely extended into the area now known as the country of Armenia. Probably in the southern half.  The culture was named and recognized for the cave of Zarzi in Iraqi Kurdistan.  Here was found plenty of microliths (up to 20% finds). Their forms are short and asymmetric trapezoids, and triangles with hollows.  So the tribe of humans lead by the Ancient Astronaut clones belonged most probably to the Zarzian culture.   Regardless of type, microliths were used to form the points of hunting weapons such as spears and (in later periods) arrows and other artifacts and are found throughout Europe and Asia.


Cave or Zarzi in Iraq

Inside the The Cave of Zarzi

The cave of Zarzi in Iraq was used for over  60,000 years.  It was first occupied by Neanderthals until  22000 BP when they became extinct.  The Zarzin culture appropriated it sometime after 18000BP  "The Zarzian of the Zagros region of Iran is contemporary with the Natufian but different from it. The only dates for the entire Zarzian come from Palegawra Cave, and date to 17,300-17,000BP, but it is clear that it is broadly contemporary with the Levantine Kebaran, with which it shares features.


The Zararin area here extended into present day Armenia

Extent of Zarzian influence ( the green area near name, but probably extended farther north)

There are only a few Zarzian sites remaining today and the area appears to have been quite sparsely populated during the Mesolithic. Faunal remains from the Zarzian indicate that the temporary form of structures indicate a hunter-gatherer subsistence strategy, focused on onager, red deer and caprines. Better known sites include Palegawra Cave, Shanidar B2 and Zarzi.  The Zarzian culture is found associated with remains of the domesticated dog and with the introduction of the bow and arrow.



The grey wolf is the ancestor of the domesticated dog

This culture seems to have extended north into the Kobistan region and into Eastern Iran as a forerunner of the Hissar and related cultures. This most probably was  the culture responsible for the construction of Carahunge.  The Ancient Astronaut clones were given a name by the humans who lived with them, they were called the Naflin which described their size and abilities.


Carahunge full moon

Carahunge under a full moon

Eventually the tribe went into an area known to them by the name Carahunge, which today is known as the Armenian Stonehenge.  It is believed to be much older than Stonehenge in England.  They were joined by other tribes from the surrounding areas.  There was a large circle of stones where the people gathered at a certain time of year to worship the Fearless One the Sun god.


End of Part 2